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About KTA
Kids . . . Together in the Arts!!!

Mary Ellen, the Art Director, and George Anastos, the Visual Arts Teacher, take a selfie with KTA campers!

Here, Sadie, along time counselor, hangs with campers after a long lunch at the sprinkler park!

Sofia, one of our counselors, blows bubbles to welcome campers to KTA!
Our Mission:
At KTA, we are professional artists, educators, and performers collaborating to bring the arts to the children in our communities. We believe that the arts are both very important and deeply neglected in the traditional educational avenues. Involvement in the arts helps children foster creativity, practice visual learning, exercise patience and perseverance, and bolsters confidence. We hope to challenge and engage children, exposing them to different art forms, in a child-centered community.
A Week at KTA:
Any child from ages 6 to 13 can sign up - you don't need to consider yourself an artist to enjoy KTA. Upon arrival, campers will be divided into groups roughly by age. Each group will attend dance, drama, music, and visual arts class every day along with having an hour for lunch, two 15 minute snack periods, and an outdoor free period. Every week will have a surprise theme that is revealed on Monday! During each class the campers will work with teachers and counselors to create a performance or art piece relevant to the theme. At the end of the week, campers will put on a show for parents, friends, and families to showcase all of their hard work!
Typical Daily Schedule:
8:30-9:15 am............Kids arrive/Morning Activities
9:15-9:30 am............Introductions/ Rules/ Group Song
9:30-10:20 am..........Dances
10:20-10:30 am........SNACK
10:30-11:20 am........Drama
11:20-12:10 pm........Art
12:10-1:30 pm.........LUNCH
1:30-2:20 pm...........Free Period
2:20-2:30 pm...........SNACK
2:30-3:15 pm........... Music
3:15-3:30 pm...........PICK UP / Sign out
3:30- 5:30 p.m. – Extended Day with counselors
Find more information about dates and pricing here.
A Child-Centered Enviroment:
Child-centered learning puts children at center of the learning process. Inevitably, children live in adult-centered worlds where their needs and interests are secondary to or dictated by the needs and interests of the adults in their lives. We believe that KTA stands out from other camps largely because we have fostered an environment that puts the campers first. This is achieved through KTA’s personnel structure. In each class we have a teacher and several counselors. It is the counselors who contribute the most to KTA’s child-focused environment. We view our counselors like older siblings, they interact with campers during free time by playing games, doing activities, or just hanging out and talking with the campers. All of our counselors love children and are excited to be part of the campers KTA experience!

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 300530
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Kids . . . Together in the Arts!!!
Camp Location:
45 Danforth Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
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